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Entries Deadline

11-Mar-2025 11:59 PM (GMT -6:00)

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Thank you for your interest in the Art Directors Club of Tulsa's annual Graphex competition. Please review and understand entry and file submission requirements below before beginning. 



* Entries are due by end of day Feb. 28th. All Graphex entries must have been published for the first time between March 2024 and February 2025. Entries may be submitted by anyone having part in the creation of the entry.



Judges review work and score based on concept, creativity and execution. Judges will award one Graphex winner to each category. Runners-up will receive Honorable Mentions. If judges feel a piece is worthy of another category, they may award the entry in another category.


Awards are given solely at the discretion of the judges, whose decisions are final. Winners will receive notice when accepted into Graphex.



  • ADCT Spirit Award
    Honoring Scott Raffe (1964-2011). Scott was a talented commercial photographer who called Tulsa home and poured himself into his work and ADCT. But Scott’s passion for his personal projects, and the people he shared them with, is what made him special. It is this spirit of pure creativity that we honor with the ADCT Spirit Award, recognizing purely personal work and the drive to create in all of us. All mediums of personal, non-commercial art will be accepted into the Spirit Award category and judged by members of the ADCT board.

  • Digital Media (Includes web, social media, 3D, etc.)

  • Environmental (Promotional collateral created for indoor or outdoor displays)

  • Identity (Collateral that showcases how a business or person is to be represented to the world)

  • Illustration

  • Motion/Video

  • Multimedia Campaign (Up to 10 images Per Project)

  • Packaging/Products (Package design for a product)

  • Photography (A picture taken with a camera)

  • Print (A design specifically created for print media)

  • Self-Promotion (Collateral designed to promote oneself or a business)

  • Student Portfolio (Up to 10 Images) 

Single Student Entry: ADCT Members $5 / Non-Members $10

Student Multimedia Campaign Entry + Portfolio Entry: ADCT Members $15 / Non-Members $20


Select the category that is the most appropriate for your entry. Single entries are allowed up to 5 images per project, Multimedia Campaign entries allow up to 10 images per project. 



Images should be uploaded using the following specs:

  • Size: 1920 x 1080px

  • Resolution: 300ppi 

  • Format: JPG, PNG, or TIF

  • File Size: Less than 15 MB


Please label submitted file(s) using the following guidelines:Category-LastNameFirstName-01.jpg

  • Example: Photography-AdamsJohn-01.jpg

  • Example: Photography-AdamsJohn-02.jpg



Upload portfolio entries as a multi-page PDF in 300dpi.


Images should be uploaded using the following specs:

  • Size: 1920 x 1080px

  • Resolution: 300ppi

  • Format: JPG, PNG, or TIF 

  • File Size: Less than 25 MB


Please label submitted file using the following guidelines:


  • Example: Series-AdamsJohn.pdf


For digital work (such as video, interface or web) submit a link to Vimeo, YouTube or a website. Please also include a high-resolution screenshot(s) in JPEG, PNG, or TIFF format.


Questions? Contact us at info@adctulsa.com