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Entries Deadline

11-Apr-2025 11:59 PM (GMT -6:00)

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Enterprise risk management for insurers has come a long way since we started publishing in 2008. Over the years we have written about hundreds of innovations and initiatives, and the personalities driving the pursuit of excellence in ERM. In that time we have extended our coverage across the globe and in 2018 we appointed a US Editor to focus on insurance ERM developments in the Americas market.  

InsuranceERM's Americas Awards puts the spotlight on the leaders in this field in the Americas.

The shortlist and winners are chosen from the nominations we receive so we encourage everyone to get involved.

Please click on the green button on the top right hand corner of the screen to create an account and submit an entry. (You can self-nominate)

All you need to do is tell us why your nominee should win:
  • 200-word profile providing a synopsis of the key highlights and why your nomination should be considered for an award.
  • 750-850 words expanding on the 200-word summary whereby you explain how the key highlights were achieved and provide examples or case studies to demonstrate/evidence why your nominee should win.
  • If applicable supporting information can be attached.
The shortlist and winners will be chosen from the nominations so we encourage you to get involved.

You can find full category details on our website: https://www.insuranceerm.com/content/awards/insuranceerm-annual-awards-2025-americas/

Entry deadline: April 11 2025
Winners will be announced on the InsuranceERM website on 11 May 2025.