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Entries Deadline

11-Apr-2025 11:00 PM (GMT +10:00)

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The Mastering SAP Women in SAP Scholarship is for women new to the SAP world and from the end user community.

The scholarship program, valued at over $35,000, is designed to provide women* new to the SAP ecosystem with a learning and networking opportunity to kick-start their SAP career. The scholarship program is for SAP customers (end-users) only.

Mastering SAP will provide 10 scholarships annually split across two intakes, one in March / April and one in September / October. Each intake provides five women in APAC customer / end-user organisations with a twelve-month Mastering SAP premium membership – including attending a Mastering SAP event and hotel accommodation.

This intake relates to the Mastering SAP Connect event on the Gold Coast on 5-6 June 2025.

Entries will be judged on creativity, originality, and relevance to the Mastering SAP community across the following criteria:
Challenges question (accounts for 27% of final score)
- Understanding of the industry and current issues / challenges as relates to their role

Future Innovation question (accounts for 27% of final score)
- Logical explanation of reasons the technology or innovation was chosen

Career question (accounts for 27% of final score)
 - Understanding of the value of community and membership for career enhancement

Topics question (accounts for 20% of final score)
 - Explanation of value of topic to individual

By entering a scholarship application you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the scholarship.
Terms and conditions can be found here https://masteringsap.com/women-in-sap-scholarship-terms-conditions/