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Entries Deadline

15-Mar-2025 11:59 PM (GMT +1:00)

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Since 2012, the DHC+ Student Awards have been highlighting outstanding and original contributions to district heating and cooling related research, including economic and technological aspects, energy management, and the environmental consequences of energy utilisation. This competition is open to everyone, members and non-members, giving the opportunity to the new generation of researchers to gain visibility within the DHC community and recognition they deserve.


The international jury, composed of DHC experts from business and academia, evaluates the submitted papers based on the overall importance to the science and technology, methodology and logic of conclusions, clarity and preciseness of presentation, expected market impact and creativity of approach. 

Meet the jury members!
Diana Adam, Senior Referent in Politics and Public Relations, BEW Berliner Energie und Wärme AG
Jens Brage, Head of Research and Innovation, NODA Intelligent Systems
Jure Čižman, Expert Advisor at Jozef Stefan Institute
Alice Dénarié, Senior Researcher, Politecnico di Milano
- Stefan Holler, Chairman of the Evaluation Panel, HAWK, Göttingen University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Teodora-Emilia Motoasca, Research & Innovation Manager, Daikin Europe
Jan Eric Thorsen, Manager DH Application Centre, Danfoss
Dirk Vanhoudt, Senior Researcher, EnergyVille

How does it work?

Students are invited to submit their research in either of two categories:

1)   Bachelor's & Master's degree students

2)   Ph.D. students 


A winner will be announced in each category. In addition, the evaluation committee may decide to award another prize for a research paper that is particularly creative, innovative or otherwise stands out from the applications.


What are the prizes?

Winners will be invited to the official awards ceremony which will take place during the International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling on 8-10 September 2025 in Genk, Belgium. Their accommodation and travel expenses to the Symposium will be reimbursed and they will have the opportunity to present their research to the international DHC research community.


Additionally, the winners will receive a contribution of EUR 1000 each and will publish their articles in the International EuroHeat&Power Magazine.

An initiative supported by Energyville and IEA DHC