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Entries Deadline

31-Mar-2025 11:59 PM (GMT -5:00)

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  • Your video must begin as follows: "My name is [So Andso] and I am nominating my [father/grandfather/pastor/friend/husband/uncle/partner etc], [dad's name] for the [category name]."
  • Example: "My name is Sadeek Morrison and I am nominatinng my step-father, Glenford Smith, for Champion Father - Portland "
  • Say what makes dad a great father, and why you are nominating him for the category. Use powerful examples of things he has done. 
  • Ensure that your nomination is well put together.
  • Video should not be longer than 3 minutes.





  1. Marcus Garvey Award for Community Leadership/The Community Hero

   Who to nominate?

  •  Nominated father must be resident in Jamaica and living/working in the community named
  •  A father who is an inspirational role model in the community and is considered a leader; one from whom many seek advice
  •  This father often goes above and beyond for others within the community. Often gives voluntary service outside of what is reasonably expected.
  •  This person is known for lifting up others and/or conducts himself in a way that commands respect.
  •  One who might have done a heroic act in the past



  1. Sam Sharpe Award for Exemplary Fathers of Children with Disabilities

Who to nominate?

  • Fathers who care for and/or are active/present in the lives of their disabled child/children 



  1. Sam Sharpe Award for Exemplary Fathers with a Disability  

Who to nominate?

  • Fathers with a disability who despite their physical challenge, care for and/or are active/present in the lives of their children 


  1. Paul Bogle Award for Mentorship/Development of Young People

Who to nominate?

  • Sports Coaches
  • Teachers
  • Social Workers
  • Police Officers
  • Firefighters
  • Entertainers/Celebrities
  • Any father that engages in activities or supports causes that directly benefit young people but in particular young men and boys 


  1. Ashley Smith Award for Religious Service

Who to nominate?

  • Pastors
  • Church Leaders (deacons, elders etc)
  • Other Faith-Based Religious Leaders/Officials who give sacrificial and exemplary service to their religious/extended community quite often with their own resources and are often unrecognized
  • They are also at the helm of programmes to care for elderly persons and provide meals to needy persons etc.



  1. Best Fatherhood Moment Captured by Photograph
   Who to do?
  • Submit a powerful photo that captures a beautiful moment, communicates the essence of fatherhood and shows love, life and bonding between a father and his child or children.
  • Showcase moments that are spontaneous or staged.
  • The ideal submission tells a great fatherhood story


  • Shortlisted entries will be put to public vote to decide the winner.
  • The winner will be the father featured in the photograph and not the photographer nor the nominator.
  • The photographer/nominator will be acknowledged/credited for the entry.
  • Photo can be spontaneous or professionally staged 



  1. Best Fatherhood Moment Captured on Video
   Who to do?
  • Submit a funny, heart-warming or tear-jerking short video that features a father and his child or children
  • Video should be no longer than 59 seconds with a great punchline
  • Should not have expletives, profanity, graphic nudity nor exposed genitals
  • Video can be spontaneous or professonally produced


  • Shortlisted entries will be put to public vote to decide the winner.
  • The winner will be the father featured in the video and not the videographer nor the person who submitted the video. The videographer/nominator will however be acknowledged for the entry


  1. Champion Father

  Who to nominate?

  • Awesome Biological Fathers
  • Single Fathers (raising a child/children on his own, ideally in the same household without a spouse or partner)
  • Exemplary Step/Adopted/Foster Fathers
  • Grandfathers and other male relatives who act as fathers 
  • Fathers active in school-related activities e.g. PTA (Parent-Teachers Association)
  • Fathers who exhibit uncommon acts of love to their children


  • Submit a nomination video no longer than 3 minutes
  • Judges will shortlist for 15 fathers, one from each parish who will automatically be named Parish Champion Father.
From the 15 fathers in this category, an overall winner will be decided by public vote and will be named Jamaican Father of the Year.