How an Award Can Bring the Right Members to Your Association/Community

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How an Award Can Bring the Right Members to Your Association/Community

Sponsorships and members are two fundamental revenue sources for any association. By expanding the number of associates and increasing awareness, you lay the foundation for delivering bigger value through your organization. We’ve decided to analyze how awards events can bring new members into your community.

Why should you nominate association members?

The development of influential, thoughtful leadership campaigns is one of the essential goals an association sets. In this context, membership is the lifeblood of an associate community. Here are the key ways nominations can help your association grow:

  • Paying respect. Honor contributions and achievements within your associate community to highlight the value of membership.
  • Expertise sharing. Awards events are great platforms for the demonstration of your community’s expertise. Motivate newcomers to reach its highest levels with your association.
  • Attracting strategic partners. Through targeted association meetings, you can make useful connections. Invite potential sponsors to your event and show why your association is the one they should invest in.

The ways to attract new members to your association

Awards that can bring right community members


To capitalize on membership, you have to build engagement around the activities of your community. Check out some creative ideas to attract people using the value of your association:

Volunteering programs

Through volunteering programs, you can incentivize people to tackle some interesting challenges that your community provides and, thus, get acquainted with other members. The benefit of such campaigns is you motivate people to get acquainted with you. There are several easy steps to the development of volunteering programs that convert:

  • Create a dedicated page. On your association website, create a page with a list of all volunteering opportunities. Try to be as specific as possible when clarifying the practical outcomes of involvement, the key volunteering perks, and the prospects.
  • Start with a short-term. A few days should be perfect to excite and engage your audience. However, make it as meaningful as possible. Ideally, you should invite volunteers to spend a whole day with your association’s team.
  • Wrap it up with an enticing offer. When volunteers know enough about your association, make them an offer to join you long-term.

Public awards events

By nominating your existing association members, you can drum up increased interest for the mission your community carries out. Think about a meaningful celebratory cause or a theme for your event. Write nomination letters, set the date, and invite your target audience to join the show. Ensure you incorporate networking into your event schedule to help guests communicate with associates during and after the event.


Successful association management isn’t only about attracting newcomers, but it’s also about the retention of existing members. Practice mentorship programs in your community to identify the strengths and interests of associates. Set up regular, one-on-one meetings between mentors and associates. During these sessions, the skills and expertise necessary to grow and win an award can be discussed .

Benefits of staff awards and nominations


For an association

Through the recognition of accomplishments, associations keep afloat and accomplish their core missions. Here are the key perks of organizing staff awards for associations:

  • Membership recruitment can be monetized. The more members an association has, the more fees it gets. Substantial financial support is also provided by sponsors who attend an association’s events and explore its mission from the inside.
  • Adding value. By bringing new members into your association and saying “thank you” to those who stick with you, you make your work more valuable.
  • Awards increase visibility. If there is a worthy reward behind association projects, it drums up more interest for the activity and its community. Awards events are great platforms for showcasing actions and making your work visible.

For associate members

A successful marriage between an association and its community can spark a great investment in community growth as well. The three core reasons why it’s a good thought to join an association are the following:

  • Education. Challenging projects and incentives open up endless opportunities for becoming better. Association involvement brings educational perks in terms of helping people work in the markets they want to explore, solve problems in real-world projects, and improve skills sets.
  • Peer-to-peer evaluation. Learn how to develop strong expertise through the evaluation of colleagues. Since associations often practice peer-to-peer recognition, there’s much room for improvement of analytical skills.
  • Enhancing your network. Another reason to get involved is finding like-minders within anew community. Discover top experts and expand your network by entering a professional association.

How to organize an award nomination

To bring new members into your association, set up a strong awards nomination with bells and whistles. Here’s the short how-to guide:


Begin with a strategic briefing to plan the event’s specifics before the show starts. Identify the core goals and split the tasks among your community members. With a smart choice of content, tone, and team responsibilities, you’re halfway there.

Budget planning

Think how much you can spend on the awards event within your budget. Spending the right amount of money on entertainment, ticket prices, and venue facilitation will help you build a profitable strategy.

Venue & Decor


Depending on your budget and goals, choose the venue that makes people feel most comfortable. Consider accessibility, space, lighting, and the availability of decor to make it work for your audience.


If your budget permits, make the show really impressive with the help of VR, holograms, and advanced technology. A rule of thumb: keep people engaged throughout the event and utilize the fun parts.


Ensure you have a most detailed schedule for the event day. Incorporate a backup plan, get tools for workflow tracking, and plan sessions to keep things moving and under control.


Lastly, find the right people to evaluate nominations and reward the best achievements. It’s a good approach to choose judges who work in the target industry and are well-respected by the association.


By welcoming new members into your association through staff nominations, you can increase the potential of your community. Test awards software reliability to magnify your results with automation. Use our awards planning platform.

Judgify is a beginning-to-end solution for online awards/contest/abstract management which supports modules for public voting, flexible entry submission & judging, as well as free events at no cost. So, if you are up for awards automation, get started with Judgify free of charge!

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