Live Streaming: Acquire the Full Use of Social Media

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Live Streaming: Acquire the Full Use of Social Media

The 21st century, truly a timeless era. A time when connecting and networking have all the backing and total support of the latest technology. This is the period where globalization is facilitating the internet of things (IoT). For event planners, hosts and managers, there has never been a time better than the present.

Live streaming, facilitated and powered by social media makes this easier for the event industry. This article looks at the benefits of Live streaming, the platforms available, as well as strategies that can be used in the industry.

Live Streaming

The general effect of live streaming

Live streaming creates a sense of urgency, it makes people feel like what you are doing is important. Since that feeling is contagious, you gain an increased audience through the vast numbers of viewers.

What makes a popular live stream?

A Live Stream can be spruced up and made popular through several ways including:

  • Promising a chance to reward a prize to anyone who watches the livestream
  • Paying for advertisements ahead of time to increase awareness
  • Using all the social media platforms at your disposal

What should you live stream?

People livestream about just about anything, from relationship advice to high-end functions. You can livestream your event, or preparation to build hype over the event. Read here to learn more about livestreaming your event

Where to make a live stream video?

The advantage of a live broadcast video is that it needs the best technology, laptop, high-quality cameras with video or a videotaping device and wireless microphone if you are going to be talking. As long as the audio and video are good, you’re good to go, regardless of the setting

How can you create a live stream on Facebook?

Once you log in to your Facebook account, you’ll be prompted with an option of updating your status or uploading a video. However, the quickest form is through using the “Live Video” button right at the top of the page.

How can you make a live stream on YouTube?

Instead of selecting upload a video, opt to Live Stream and you can select whether or not you want people to be able to comment on your livestream. Interestingly enough, learning how to livestream on YouTube, can be learned directly on YouTube.

How to make a live stream on Twitter?

Twitter live stream recently teamed up with Live Nation to enable users to stream concerts. For businesses and other events, the live streaming option is available at the top of the Twitter homepage.

Other live streaming services

Although social media platforms are freely and readily available, there are other platforms used for live streaming. Over time, platforms change ownership and consequently change names and/or vice versa. Some of the live streaming platforms currently available include:

  • Stickam – functions as a free live streaming platform. It’s usually bustling with traffic from individual streamers due to the non-commitment it offers.
  • Livestream – has the ability to indicate the number of live viewers in real time, it has an easy and friendly interface.
  • USTREAM – one of the most popular platforms that are used for live streaming just about anything. It has the advantage of embedding live on social networking platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • Qik – it’s known as one of the best and easy livestreaming platforms because users can stream using their mobile smartphones. Since Qik supports both iPhone and Android systems, there’s also an ability to chat and corresponding with viewers in real time.
  • Justin.TV – popularly used by custom video channels and some radio stations. It’s the best for anyone looking to promote their services and push their business to greater heights.

Which platform for live streaming is better?

At the moment, every live streaming platform is working to make their services cutting edge and ahead of the competition. Therefore, there’s no one, live streaming platform that can be said to be ahead of the pack. The trick is to understand the platform in relation to what you want to live stream. Therefore, the answer is; the best platform to livestream depends on the purpose and type of show you want to broadcast. However, when it comes to social media platforms, they’re all excellent. You might find that your middle-aged followers are on Facebook, millennials on Twitter and teenagers on Instagram. So, use all the platforms to increase the number of customers reached. A good combination will help push your event or business to the top ranking of most watched.

Live broadcast strategy for social media

The best strategy when live broadcasting is to use all the social media platforms. Since users of different ages use every platform sparingly, the best tactic is for you to share your live stream across all social media platforms. By doing so, you increase your odds of reaching audiences of all age groups, races, preferences and social statuses.

How to promote live streaming events on social media

Before going live, use your social media platform to let your followers or friends be aware of the upcoming live stream. To increase the number of interested viewers, you can include a tagline such as ‘watch the live stream for a chance to win ABC.’ Also, be sure to include the option for people getting automatic reminders when it’s almost time for the live stream to begin. That way, you increase the number of people who are actually interested well ahead of time.

Live streams which received success and recognition

To date, there have been quite a number of successful streams which have received success and international recognition. Such events include Awards in the entertainment industry. The Global Academy Awards, Oscars, etc. Currently, almost every country which hosts their own Awards event makes it a point to livestream, including on YouTube. The more such events livestream their shows, the greater the following they’ll get the following year.

What is the future of live streaming?

At this rate, the success of almost every event depends on Live streaming. See the thing is, people like these things – regardless of how much they try to shy away from this simple fact. Therefore, using love streaming gives people the chance to be actively involved, to be in the here and now. That’s what people like, and they’re attracted to cutting edge technology and current affairs. However, questions around the failure of the Meerkat video, the Live Stream app have people doubting the power of Live Streaming. On the other hand, Periscope Live Broadcast helps to stream everyday life. Based on this observation. It is easy to say that live streaming is here to stay.


You want to have the best way of promoting your platform, and yet feel strongly about paying for costly platforms? Use social media platforms. One of the main advantages is that you already have followers/friends and you might need to pay for a sponsored advertisement every now and again to increase your audience. However, each time you livestream an event, you will notice even better results in the event that livestreaming was used.

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