How to Retain and Reward Volunteers

The “salary increase” approach is a solution to a majority of job satisfaction issues. But, when it comes to volunteers who work without any pay, how do you make them stay with your organization long-term?
The “salary increase” approach is a solution to a majority of job satisfaction issues. But, when it comes to volunteers who work without any pay, how do you make them stay with your organization long-term?
In 2017, the debate between Amber Thomas and Neil Morris generated much buzz at Digitech, the annual meeting dedicated to edtech innovation. Navigating between the ideas of learning acceleration and distractful tech use, the speakers came to a common conclusion: technology changes academic settings. By inspiring learners via digital innovation through award projects, you ensure […]
Old school conventional wisdom, due to which a lesson should last 45 minutes and “please turn off your phones,” are long past. Today, future-oriented educators look at new methods of driving academic success. Project awards promoting educational innovation offer a great way to hone the learning curve and prepare students for the tech-driven economy.
95% of world NGOs run Facebook pages and strive to increase their online activities every year. This tendency is a logical consequence of moving payments, donations included, online. A successful online fundraising project can thus help nonprofits raise money much faster than time- and cost-consuming in-house events.
Youth, ambition, and learning represent the best driving forces for innovation. Student projects are organized to discover new talents, as well as build a base for skill validation and challenges. Add the word “contest” to this cocktail and you’ll get a competitive spirit maximizing the impact of student projects! Here’s a detailed guide for organizing […]
Remember saying: “If only I’d known earlier, I could have avoided this mistake?” Exactly! Everyone thinks that a second chance is a life saver. But, what if it makes a real difference? By test driving your project, you can identify all the weak points and find ways to improve your current strategy.
Let us guess what you do NOT like at events: a speaker who is constantly checking notes and avoiding interaction with the audience. Communication barriers can damage an event performance, a business campaign, or any other project that presupposes interaction with a target audience. Public voting is one of the proven channels to encourage active […]
All marketing strategies are exhausted sooner or later. To amp up your marketing, you have to keep your eyes open for fresh ideas and newly-minted industry trends. The organization of contests that showcase your project’s expertise is the right choice for meeting ever-changing marketing trends.
Ups and downs are an integral part of every business. Difficulties and great opportunities chase business owners at every corner which build diverse landscapes for industry practices. Assimilating the best of them doesn’t mean your company can break the rules and go to target audiences without mistakes. The ability to look inside proven industry strategies […]
If you’re currently looking at your unique and helpful project offering and can’t understand why it doesn’t draw crowds, we have the answer. Getting a project through the door, especially if you’re knee-deep in a competitive industry, isn’t a piece of cake. Standing out from the crowd is the only path to success.