Reward Industry Expertise & Personal Achievement with Award Events

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Reward Industry Expertise & Personal Achievement with Award Events

The world needs professionalism. This is the vital principle that governs large and small businesses, encourages competition on the market, and magnifies on individual achievements. The great way to showcase expertise, be it related to the whole industry or association members, is organizing award events.

What’s an event award?

Event awards are ceremonies dedicated to the celebration of achievement, success, and progress within an organization or industry. Depending on the aims and target audiences, the event awards can have the format of an in-house ceremony or take place online.

Why such types of events even matter? Well, think about the queries you make when looking for a retailer, company, product, or service on the Internet. Do they contain the words like “the best,” “successful,” or “efficient?” In case it’s your story, you’re the living proof of the necessity to organize awards. By assigning titles and recognizing people or organizations, you add value to them and encourage growth.

Award event as a tool: Features


Award events can be organized with the help of tools that help businesses and individuals reach their goals by automating the key processes. Here are the features that an award event tool should possess:

  • Flexible submission process. Digitalization is everywhere. So you know the rule: everything moves online, award events included. To facilitate the ease and convenience in submission processes, the tools that allow diverse file uploads and cater for different time zones are highly appreciated.
  • Transparent judging. The customization of judging criteria, the capability to process several rounds, and data privacy are the features that define transparency and show the objective image of industry excellence.
  • Automated scoring. Sometimes you have to get scores from hundreds of judges, along with the scoring explanations, which can turn the process into pure torture, unless you use the tools with automated scoring features.
  • Analytics capabilities. The assessment of your achievements shouldn’t disappear without a trace, even if an awards event takes place in the virtual space. Reporting feature available on awards management tools gives you the hard-copy proof of your expertise.

How the award event impacts industries

Industry excellence is a great focus for awarding. Check out this list of key effects that award events produce on industries:

  • Building credibility. Recognized businesses attract clients and account for customer loyalty. This means that people trust industries that are labeled as “the best” in their niche. Therefore, by illustrating their contributions, industries have to strive to reach the list of winners.
  • Establishing trends. Winning an award offers some kind of metrics, which highlights the expertise and innovation within the industry. Accordingly, those who win the awards, basically, establish benchmarks of success and quality that the others would want to reach.
  • Encouraging growth. The development of an industry depends on the pace of progress. With the help of award events that highlight new possibilities and trends, the acceleration of industry growth is one of the key benefits.
  • Attracting professionals. Thousands of people across the world are looking for the answer to the question “who I want to be in future?” Award events can actually give them a clue. Indeed, reputable industries that manage to highlight its growth prospects, gain ambitious professionals, who can make these industries shine even brighter than before.

How the award event impacts members

In every successful industry, there are individuals who drive progress. By rewarding personal achievements, special event awards encourage people to focus on growth. Here are the major benefits:

  • Promotion. Even a newbie can get instant fame, in case he/she introduces a breakthrough innovation or a leading solution for the industry. With the help of an awards event, one can make a household name for an association member in the short time and motivate the others for growth.
  • Increasing networking perspectives. Once the name of a person appears on a nomination list, people start talking. And, ultimately, they will want to connect to you, if they get a chance. Award events help association members establish new connections, acquire partnerships, and learn new things.
  • Reflection. Even if you’re not a winner, award events can give you an incentive to change and turn your future campaigns in a stunning success. How? Very simple. Each time when you see the others winning an award that you can’t get, you start to reflect on your own activity and might notice something that makes a roadblock for your development. Obliterate it and be the next winner!

Improving event awards

Making awarding experiences better for participants and attendees are adding value to events’ success. Learn how to pull off your Oscar event and challenge your colleagues to step on the path of improvements:

#1. Automate. No hustle-bustle, no sleepless nights, and no stress. This is how your preparation for the next awards event can look like, in case you use reliable tools to automate the process. With one-stop awards management systems available out there, you can get automated scoring, judging, and reporting – all in one package.

#2. Add technology. In case you’re planning on an in-house event, consider using some tech tools to elevate engagement at the event. You can offer immersive experiences, entertain people with the help of live videos, or promote chatbot use as an instrument for networking.

#3. Pay attention to speaker choice. Industries need professional opinions to fuel the growth of their members. Invite popular experts, who resonate with the industry, and incentivize people to learn at events.

#4. Record – improve – repeat. Big Data analytics gives us the opportunities to learn from our mistakes. Don’t miss the chance to verify your expertise, and sharpen the strategy in future.

In case you want to begin the journey through award events automation right now, get started for free with Judgify and acquire a professional view on your experiences.

Judgify is a beginning-to-end solution for online awards/contest/abstract management which supports modules for public voting, flexible entry submission & judging, as well as free events at no cost. So, if you are up for awards automation, get started with Judgify free of charge!

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