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Entries Deadline

23-Feb-2025 11:59 PM (GMT -5:00)

The Event is closed

Project POTUS 2025 is closed for submissions, and the review process for awards consideration is underway.

Contest notifications will be sent to the email used when registerering entries. All winners will be announced and posted at ProjectPOTUS.org on May 1, 2025. 

The public will be asked to vote on the second annual Citizens Choice Award, choosing one video to win from the top ten videos of this year's Project POTUS contest, from April 1 - April 15th , and the link will be shared on this page once the voting is open.

With any questions or comments reach out to ProjectPOTUS@bhpsite.org , and see ProjectPOTUS.org for general information about the program.

Thanks for taking part in the mission. Project POTUS 2026 will kick off on Election Day, 2025.

Project POTUS is an initiative for middle school from the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, the home of the Hoosier president located in Indianapolis, IN. Visit PresidentBenjaminHarrison.org to learn more.